Private Session Series
For the client who is suffering with pain or other persistent symptoms, I facilitate change in your body. For sustained symptom relief, your participation is imperative. I have been called a ‘miracle worker’ in the past and I can assure you, I am not. I only see and feel what you cannot, yet. Utilizing these skills to feel the connections only you can feel, then change.
Treating symptoms with therapeutic movement and manual techniques to reconnect your body and mind. Connection creates functional living on many levels. Bringing you a level of awareness that translates into an authority over symptoms. Interpreting their messages so you continue to have control toward sustainable relief.
Interpreting your Symptoms
Reconnecting your Body & Mind
For Sustainable Results
Integrated FNMT Session Series
Initial integrated series of 8 sessions are 90 min each in person and 60 min each virtually.
If you would like a complimentary consultation to discuss how I facilitate your goals,
it is my pleasure.
Full Value 50% series discount
60-75 min Session Series Virtual $1600 $ 800 ($100/session)
90-120 min Session Series In Person $ 2400 $1200 ($150/session)
Text or Call 602-575-6126 to book